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Hospital Packing List


❏ Your photo ID and Insurance card

❏ Medical records

❏ Money: change for the vending machine

❏ Phone and charger

❏ Siddur/Chitas

❏ Shir Hamaalos for bassinet/car seat

❏ Hot water bottle 

❏ Water bottle 

❏ Snack, food for mom and husband (rice cakes, crackers, healthy muffins or cookies, nuts/dried fruit fresh fruit)

❏ Small bottles of juice or Sprite for extra energy

❏ Face washcloth to use as a hot compress (Hospitals provide this for you, but some women prefer their own.)

❏ Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm, deodorant, a hairbrush, makeup, pony holder 

❏ Whatever will help you relax your own pillow, music, and something to play it on 

❏ Shower shoes, such as crocs 

❏ Robe and socks  

❏ Tichel 

❏ A going-home outfit for mom

❏ Homeopathic remedies (be sure to purchase from a reputable homeopath) 

❏ Almond oil (for massage during labor) 

❏ Extra large pads

❏ Maternity underpants. (Some women love the mesh underwear but others don’t) 

❏ Nursing bra 

❏ Lanoline or any other soothing nipple cream

                                                   ❏ Nursing pads

❏ pack of newborn baby diapers

❏ A going-home outfit for baby (weather appropriate)

❏ An infant car seat. You can't drive your baby home without one! Have a rear-facing car seat properly installed ahead of time and know how to buckle your baby in correctly.

Granola Bars

Snacks + Drinks

Image by Andreas Haslinger

Phone + Charger

Baby Apparel

Baby Essentials

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Disclaimer:  Mothers Of Montreal has resources and information for the general public. The listings are for informational purposes only. Being listed on this site in no way constitutes an endorsement of the persons or organization listed. 

Disclosure; Mothers Of Montreal Blog is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

We only recommend products we would use ourselves and all opinions expressed here are our own.

©2023 by Mothers of Montreal. 

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