Hospital Packing List
❏ Your photo ID and Insurance card
❏ Medical records
❏ Money: change for the vending machine
❏ Phone and charger
❏ Siddur/Chitas
❏ Shir Hamaalos for bassinet/car seat
❏ Hot water bottle
❏ Water bottle
❏ Snack, food for mom and husband (rice cakes, crackers, healthy muffins or cookies, nuts/dried fruit fresh fruit)
❏ Small bottles of juice or Sprite for extra energy
❏ Face washcloth to use as a hot compress (Hospitals provide this for you, but some women prefer their own.)
❏ Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm, deodorant, a hairbrush, makeup, pony holder
❏ Whatever will help you relax your own pillow, music, and something to play it on
❏ Shower shoes, such as crocs
❏ Robe and socks
❏ Tichel
❏ A going-home outfit for mom
❏ Homeopathic remedies (be sure to purchase from a reputable homeopath)
❏ Almond oil (for massage during labor)
❏ Extra large pads
❏ Maternity underpants. (Some women love the mesh underwear but others don’t)
❏ Nursing bra
❏ Lanoline or any other soothing nipple cream
❏ Nursing pads
❏ pack of newborn baby diapers
❏ A going-home outfit for baby (weather appropriate)
❏ An infant car seat. You can't drive your baby home without one! Have a rear-facing car seat properly installed ahead of time and know how to buckle your baby in correctly.

Snacks + Drinks

Phone + Charger