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Nursing Mothers
Links & resources
Breastfeeding support
Nourri-Source Federation (support group, French) 1 866 948-5160
La Leche League (Certified volunteers, help & support breastfeeding women) 1 866 255-2483
Local CLSC, breastfeeding support CLSC
Breastfeeding Clinic
Herzl-Goldfarb Breastfeeding Clinic Mothers need referral fax 514-340-8634. Call 514 340-8222, ext. 2326
Lactation Consultants
If you plan on breastfeeding, you will most likely benefit (or need) the assistance of a lactation consultant.
The Lactation Consultant website has a massive network of LCs, with filters based on your location, insurance, and sense of urgency.
Maynekes Course
Tips & tricks for a successful feeding experience call 845 250 2504
Pump Gemachs
Looking for a specific type of pump, or simply need to borrow one for a short period of time, our list has you covered. Click here to discover the gemachs & community resources available to you.
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